Sean Bell - Voice over
You might not recognise the face* but – wherever you are in the world – there’s a pretty good chance you’ve heard the voice. Sean has voiced hundreds of radio commercials, along with TV and in-store campaigns, and training programmes across the UK and anywhere where the English language is used. And all from his own, fully equipped and globally connected, broadcast quality home studio. Plus, as he’s an award winning producer and voice director, Sean knows exactly what it takes to hit all the right points, to time and with natural inflection. So you can trust him to deliver self-records, or keep your studio time to a minimum during live sessions.
Commercials mixed
Corporate & Video
Commercials dry

* Actually, you might have seen the face ? Over the years, whilst collecting on screen acting credits, to support his application to join the then Equity register of Stunt Performers, Sean’s also appeared in a number of TV drama’s including Emmerdale, The Royal and Heartbeat. He also performed the drowning stunts in the opening sequence of this “Cold Water Shock” training programme for the RNLI.